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Almar Acres RK War Bonnet X Old Mountain Farm  Gilgamesh    


DOB 3/8/16


1 Doe

2 Bucks





Doe kid-Sold

Polled buck kid with moonspots-Sold.

Almar Acres HS Miss Behaven X Castle Rock Akikta *B


DOB 3/12/16


1 Doe

2 Bucks




Doe Kid-Sold


Camanna RM Moonlit Sky X Dragonfly HB Holy Smokes!


DOB 3/14/16


1 Doe

1 Buck

Doe kid-Sold


SGCH Castle Rock Angelika 3*M X Dragonfly HB Holy Smokes!


DOB 3/15/16


1 Doe

1 Buck

Doe kid-Retained

Buck kid-Sold

Almar Acres AC Ima Drama Queen 1*M X Dragonfly HB Holy Smokes!


DOB 3/16/16


2 Does

1 Buck

Buck Kid-Sold

Doe Kid-Sold (blue eyes)

Doe Kid-Sold

GCH Camanna MD Alshanee Moon 1*M X Castle Rock Akikta *B


DOB 3/15/16


3 Does

1 Buck

Doe Kid-Retained


Buck kid-Retained

Doe Kid available-Sold

Camanna RM Chocolate Eclair 1*M X Castle Rock Akikta *B


DOB 3/17/16


3 Does

Doe Kid-Sold

Doe Kid-Sold

Doe Kid-Sold

Buck kid-Sold


KW Farms PS Pixie Dust X Old Mountain Farm Gilgamesh


DOB 3/17/16


2 Does

2 Bucks

Doe Kid-Retained

Doe Kid-Sold

Almar Acres O Chocolate Chip X Castle Rock Akikta *B

DOB 4/1/16

1 Doe kid-Retained

2 Wethers-Sold

Almar Acres CRA Blue Jasmine X Castle Rock Akikta *B


DOB 4/1/16


3 Bucks (one with blue eyes)

Buck kid-Sold



Whistle Creek PC Princessbella X Dragonfly ARG Raising Kain


DOB 4/30/2016


1 Buck, 2 Does

Whistle Creek PC Princessbella X Dragonfly ARG Raising Kain


DOB 4/30/2016


1 Buck, 2 Does





Almar Acres O Chocolate Chip X Castle Rock Sun-Ray


DOB 12/7/2016


1 Buck DOA, 1 Doe

Almar Acres O Chocolate Chip X Castle Rock Sun-Ray


DOB 12/7/2016


1 Buck DOA, 1 Doe

Piddlin Acres CB Western Swing 2*M X Dragonfly ARG Raising Kain


DOB 12/10/2016


1 Buck,  1 Doe

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